List Procdures

Sub ListTheLot()
'this is MRD version works simply
Dim Procs(2000, 2)
Dim VC As VBIDE.VBComponent
Dim CM As VBIDE.VBComponent
Dim CMM As CodeModule
Dim pk As vbext_ProcKind
Dim wsSheet As Worksheet
Set VBAEditor = Application.VBE
'scan through all the modules
With VBAEditor.ActiveVBProject

pco = 0

For Each CM In .VBComponents
If CM.Type = vbext_ct_StdModule Then
Modname = CM.Name
'MsgBox Modname
Procs(pco, 0) = Modname

'Exit Sub
' Scan through the code module, looking for procedures.
iLine = 1

Set CMM = CM.CodeModule
Do While iLine < CMM.CountOfLines ' objCode.CountOfLines

sProcName = CMM.ProcOfLine(iLine, pk)
If sProcName <> "" Then
' Found a procedure. Store details, and then skip
' to the end of the procedure.

Procs(pco, 1) = sProcName
pco = pco + 1
iLine = iLine + CMM.ProcCountLines(sProcName, pk)
iLine = iLine + 1

End If

End If
Set CMM = Nothing
Next CM
End With
'now arrange to dump to sheet
With ThisWorkbook
On Error Resume Next
Set wsSheet = .Sheets("Procedures")
On Error GoTo 0
If wsSheet Is Nothing Then ' add it
.Worksheets.Add(After:=.Worksheets(.Worksheets.Count)).Name = "Procedures"
End If
With .Sheets("Procedures")
.Range("A4").Resize(pco, 2) = Procs
End With
End With
End Sub