When designing the Product Model which is the core of a new system that will be used by many individuals it has been a focus to ensure all essential data attributes have been included to ensure that the data is complete, accurate, and usable.
A thorough review of the data requirementshas been undertaken, including gathering input from stakeholders, reviewing existing data sources, and conducting interviews to understand the data needs of the users.
The Product Model defines the structure and relationships of the data, including all essential data attributes ensuring that all necessary data is captured and organized in a logical and meaningful way.

In the design the following principles were adopted:
The Product Model should be as simple as possible, easy to use and understand for all users, regardless of their technical background as it is expected to be used by all IAG
The Product Model should ensure that data is entered and stored accurately and consistently. This can be achieved through the use of validation rules, constraints, and other data quality controls. By using predefined lists, it is possible to standardize the way data is entered into the database. This can help to ensure that data is entered consistently and in a uniform manner, which can improve the quality of the data and make it easier to analyze and query Predefined lists can prevent incorrect or invalid data from being entered into the database. For example, if you have a predefined list of Brands, the system can ensure that only valid Brand name codes are entered
Valid data stored in the Product Model will allow users to search accurately for data using a variety of criteria, such as keywords, date ranges, and specific fields and the search functionality should be flexible, allowing users to combine different search criteria and adjust the search parameters as needed.
The search interface should be easy to use, with clear and concise results that are easy to understand and interpret.
By considering these factors and implementing a robust search capability, it is possible to create a Product Model that allows users to quickly and easily find the data they need. This can improve productivity and support effective data-driven decision-making.

All changes to the Product Model will be monitored and logged in an auditing system allowing the business to a track modifications to the data and identify any potential issues or errors, including who made the change, what was changed from, what it was changed to and when it was changed

The Product Model is designed to accommodate changes in the data and requirements over time with the ability to
easily add or modify data elements and structures.

The Product Model is able to integrate with other systems and technologies, such as other databases, applications, and data sources.

The Product Model has tol ensure that only authorized individuals have the ability to modify data with security controls